Band Director
Daniel Jarvis
Daniel Jarvis is Director of Bands at Apex High School a position of service that he has held since the fall of 2015. Mr. Jarvis is a North Carolina native, originally from Thomasville, NC, and holds a Master of Arts in Band Conducting from the American Band College of Sam Houston State University, and a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the University of Kentucky.
The Apex High School Band consistently performs well at local and regional marching band and concert band festivals and competitions. The Apex Wind Ensemble has earned a Superior rating at the annual Music Performance Adjudication assessment for the last 9 years in a row. Mr. Jarvis also currently serves the profession as the NC East-Central District All-District Clinic Chairperson and has previously served on the Board of Directors of the East-Central District Bandmasters' Association as a high school representative at large.